Enveloping the ear with old schoool death metal and confronting the mind with paranormal and post-apocalyptic themes, “A Collection of Morbidity” is an album wich squalls upon and consumes the senses until its corruptive deed is done.
Across Forty rampaging furnaces of crushing intensity and debilitating firss in all songs, in about one hour and a half, Collection of morbidity is the project of Rogga Johansson, a prolife musician with plenty of acclaim upon him for his work with CARVEM, THOSE WHO BRING THE TORTURE, PAGANIZER, RIBSPREADER, PUTREVORE, DEMIURG, REVOLTING, DEADSM, BLOODGUT, etc.
A Collection of morbidity is an album certainly deth metal and extreme metal fans need to rake an interest in for what are quite simply strong and gratifiying rewards.
Released by:
Ablaze Productions (MEXICO)