ESTERTOR – Tales from the Ancient Grave CD

$ 11.00

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SKU: WAR104CD Categories: , Tag:

Estertor saw the light at the beginning of 2016 composed of veteran musicians of the Catalan Death/Doom/Black Metal scene, militating in bands like Ered, Decapitated Christ, Onirophagus, Wild Road Roller, Falç and Blazemth.

In 2017 they released “Buried in Morningside” their first full-length that compiled old songs of the band. That led them to play all over the peninsula making themselves known in the most evil Thrash scene.

Due to the worldwide hiatus generated by Pandemic, they locked themselves in the crypt to compose Tales from the ancient grave, a much wilder work than its predecessor. A mixture of the most furious thrash like Bathory, Possessed, Sodom, Celtic Frost together with old school Death Metal like Death, Massacre, Obituary or Sepultura.

Tales from the ancient grave is a tribute to the classic horror movies of the 70’s/80’s. Films like Maniac, The Sentinel, The thing…

Released by:
War Anthem Records (GERMANY), 2021.


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