Ladies, gentlemen and aliens, say goodbye to your brain cells: Zealotry, from Boston (U.S.A.), are here to turn them all into a bloody pulp of useless organic garbage with their twisted, technical and surreal Death Metal that draws its influences from innovating acts such as Demilich, Timeghoul, early Atrocity, Immolation, Adramelech, Morbid Angel, Gorguts, The Chasm or Mitochondrion, and mash them all up to create an aural entity of their very own in an escalating war of sounds and harmonies. Featuring a terrific cover art by the talented Finnish artist Turkka G. Rantanen (Demigod, Funebre, Depravity, Paganizer, Adramelech…), Zealotry´s debut full-length CD, “The Charnel Expanse” (previously only available as a digital download), is one of those few especial albums that don´t come out very often in this generation.