Following the release of their monumental second full-length album, “The Sea Grave”, in 2013, Graveyard continued recording material and released several split releases with Entrails, Nominon and Crucifyre. With an evolved sound that resulted from these sessions, Graveyard then refocused their attention on the writing, rehearsing, and recording of new original material, which has now culminated in their third full-length offering, “…For Thine is the Darkness”, an album which confirms that the best musical product results from patient and diligent attention to detail.
As with their prior releases, the 17 tracks on “…For Thine is the Darkness” are relentless, scorching examples of metal fire and blood influenced not singularly from one, but instead from several sub-categories of death/doom and even heavy metal.
Released by:
War Anthem Records (Germany), 2017.