PROFANATICA need no introduction: pioneers of American black metal, masters of barbaric minimalism, desecrators of all that’s pure and clean – and iconoclasts to the very end. Ever since the band’s reformation/reinvigoration with 2007’s Profanatitas de Domonatia, full-length albums have been the preferred format for Paul Ledney and crew. However, going back the band’s beyond-classic Weeping in Heaven in 1991, it could be argued that PROFANATICA are at their most potent when doing EPs. And that’s precisely what Altar of the Virgin Whore is: 20 minutes of cruel ‘n’ crushing sonic defilement that bears all the bulldozing trademarks of the band post-reformation. No need for further fancy words here; this is simply and totally PROFANATICA, distilled to its short/sharp/shocked essence and rendered in the rudest and rawest form.
Released by:
Hells Headbangers (USA), 2018.