NIGREDO (GR) – Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced CD (Digipak)

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From members of reputed bands like RAVENCULT, EMBRACE OF THORNS and DEPHOSPHORUS, we have NIGREDO from Greece changing the way we look at black metal. Whilst maintaining the rawness and intensity, they’re deftly incorporating elements of death and thrash metal and mangling them to suit their dark aesthetic. There’s integrity and at the same time a forward-thinking approach not too unlike BOLZER or NORSE, but their grit remains predominant. Their structures are unpredictable but that’s only because their momentum is relentless. There is a headrush listening to ‘Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced’, which is easily one of the most resolute as well as daring albums this style has seen in recent times.

About the album, the band says, “Saturnian forces rule over ‘Flesh Torn – Spirit Pierced’ album and so, as the title implies, one should expect both physical extremity and mental violence manifested. Driven by our abstract vision of material and mental dissolution, we erased all traces of positiveness from the album’s content so rejoice in the collapse of all known things through feelings of total negativity and anguish.”

Released by:
Transcending Obscurity (India), 2018


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