Hungary’s new hideous deathbeasts MOLIS SEPULCRUM, featuring members from Gravecrusher and Mörbid Carnage, unleashes their debut MLP “Left For The Worms”; a sickening plunge into an extremely vicious bite of HM-2 drenched Death Metal.
Riff after riff of unclean worm-ridden Death Metal infestation, all manifested under six tracks in vile primitive fashion; filed under ffo Dismember, Grave, early Cannibal Corpse & Boss HM-2 Swedeath!
Recorded at Obsidian Studio and Voice-Beat Studio King with mixing at Obsidian Studio. Cover artwork by Sickness666 (Abigail, Impiety, Diephago, etc).
Released by:
Pulverised Records (Singapore), 2021.