GEVURAH (CA) – Sulphur Soul CD (Digipak)

$ 13.00

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“Sulphur Soul”, the latest offering from Canadian black metal entity GEVURAH continues and builds upon the massive sonic trajectory laid down with the band’s ambitious 2016 debut LP “Hallelujah!” one of said year’s most soaring monuments within the black metal scene. With “Sulphur Soul”, GEVURAH continue to explore their more aggressive and punishing aspect of their sound while still developing it even further into more complex and challenging realms. The four hymns of praise that encompass the 32-vitriolic minutes that grace “Sulphur Soul” present some of the most intense, dynamic and uncompromising GEVURAH material yet and serves its purpose as a reflection on how the Montreal-based duo (consisting of vocalist/guitarist/drummer X.T. and guitarist/bassist A.L.) encircle their ever expansive sonic palette of ritual with a new heightened sense of brutality and atmosphere, all while upholding the dark essence and the transcendental spiritual aura that surrounds their being.

Released by:
Profound Lore Records (Canada), 2018.


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