FUNERAL WHORE (NED) – Step Into Damnation CD

$ 10.00

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The highly anticipated debut from the Dutch bruisers is as real as old school death metal gets; as terrifyingly crushing as it is 100 percent uncompromising.
“Step Into Damnation” is an 11 tracks old school suffering album in vein of Grave, Unleashed & Entombed.“Watch out for the mighty FUNERAL WHORE! They will be spreading their plague of true death all over the world soon enough!” – Mike Abominator (Metal Maniacs). Mike Abominator (Metal Maniacs)

1. Eternal Genocide
2. Wasteland of Corpses
3. Obidience
4. Camp Blood
5. El Salvador Death Squad
6. Step Into Damnation
7. The Bitch Died
8. Pierce My Flesh
9. Threesome
10. Failure of the Sacrifice
11. Burried in Hell

Relased by:
Chaos Records 2012


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