FALL OF SERAPHS – From Dust to Creation CD

$ 11.00

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The impressive debut full-length by this French band. Fall Of Seraphs was summoned in the Bordeaux area, back in 2014, and is comprised of a bunch of active musicians who also play or played in underground acts such as ADX, Manzer, Ossuaire, Simulacre, Ad Patres, Reverence and Quintessence, among many others. In 2017 came the band´s debut EP, “Destroyer of Worlds”, followed by a split with their old pals in Trepanator, titled “Incarnation of Torture”, released the following year. With those two teasing short-lengths as a foundation, Fall Of Seraphs now bloom into the titan they´ve but hinted at with their imminent debut album, “From Dust to Creation”. As before, Fall Of Seraphs´ brand of Death Metal is proudly anchored in the tradition of yore, relying on heaviness, malignancy and non-excessive technicality, shrouded in total and almost palpable blackness, and displaying a remarkable sense of vitality and dynamism that always keeps the listener busy and wondering what´s coming next in their (apparently) everlasting feast of headbang-inducing riffs and sharp-yet-beautifully executed leads. However, where the band break out is the bustling flow in which they dole out their death metalled ruminations. Yes, keenly note flow: for however busy some of these seven compositions seem on the surface, there´s a graceful movement almost at odds with their ultraviolence. Credit that to Fall Of Seraphs´ enviable chops, both as songwriters and especially as musicians; dazzling and dexterous they may be, but they keep it all all-caps Death Metal for the entire 30-minute duration. And the solos: “From Dust to Creation” poignantly proves that this isn´t a lost art in Death Metal after all! “Sublime” or at least “tasteful” are two ways to describe that soloing, but “fucking awesome” might be the most apt! As such, Fall Of Seraphs come highly recommended to maniacs of classic Morbid Angel, Deicide, Vader, Immolation, Krabathor and Angelcorpse. Graced with fittingly cataclysmic cover art courtesy of Erskine Designs, “From Dust to Creation” is a literally massive first full-length bound to create all-devouring waves!

Released By:
Memento Mori Records (España), 2022.


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