DÖDSRIT – Mortal Coil CD

$ 15.00

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Out from a concept of misery and suffering, our feeble and dying world is the subject of a new hymn to its demise.

“Mortal Coil” is Dödsrit’s third full-length, featured on a yet short career though wholly filled with soul-drenching moments. Featuring four tracks, Dödsrit’s “Mortal Coil” hails the smothering ashes of purgatory’s flames by forging a wall of soultearing riffing, blistering belligerence conjoining melody with aggression, a genuine blaze of cacophony and heart-wrenching melancholy.

Consuming all in its path, this relentless maelstrom of grief finds its vision on the thunderous production – utterly powerful and blisteringly organic in all its dynamism. Such sonic virtues get sheerly enhanced by the lively rhythmic section and uncompromised ferocity. Whether on blastbeating outbreaks, D-beat infused vigour, or further atmospheric escapades, pulsing impulses carry an expression and sense of craftsmanship that amazingly translate emotions into cataclysmic beats.

Drenched in anguish, a scourged narrator of tragedies spews every single word with the blood and fiery distress of a heart burdened by the weight of our sorrowed existence, a shivering performance of a tongue absorbed in the (dis)comfort of eternal grief.

Released by:
Wolves of Hades (Netherlands).


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