2015 marks the year that ‘Procreation Of The Wretched’ the latest DISCRETION album came out and hit the scene like a bomb. What happened the last two years ? The band changed the vocalist, Kai left the mic and Marco joined forces. DISCREATION played awesome shows (Rock Hard Festival etc.) composed new stuff and finally recorded 8 brandnew tracks for the upcoming new full length album named “END OF DAYS”.
The album contains pure passion, modern influenced but classic sounding Death Metal songs. Namedropping not needed here, it would be difficult to compare anyway. “End Of Days” is a brillant album and a must if you are a real Death Metal maniac !
The Italian artist Roberto Toderico (Sinister, Legion Of The Damned, Massive Assault, etc.) drew the great cover artwork.
COUNTRY: Germany
YEAR: 2017