After 3 years of silence is germans leading old school blackmetal horde back to claim its throne. With their 5th opus “Saldorian Spell” DARKENED NOCTURN SLAUGHTERCULT lead you on a more than 40 minutes journey into the deepest pits of hell. Enriched with a strong occult and satanic content the 8 new songs breathe the spirit of old 90s skandinavian black metal. Imagine DARK FUNERALs “The Secret Of The Black Arts” teams up with the ferocious possession of WATAINs “Casus Luciferi”. Having grown as songwriters “Saldorian Spell” is easily their best effort to date and surely one of the best pieces of satanic black metal you have heard within the last years.
Released by:
War Anthem Records (Germany), 2024.